The EPO announces the online conference ‘Litigation Matters 2023’ to be held online on 5-6 December 2023
The conference is organised in close co-operation with EPLAW, and features various prominent speakers, amongst which UPC Judge Rian Kalden, Presiding judge of the second panel of the Court of Appeal, former EPLAW Presidents Willem Hoyng and Klaus Haft (HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER), EPLAW President-elect Cordula Schumacher (Arnold Ruess), as well as EPLAW Advisory Board member Alex Wilson (Powell Gilbert).
The conference in intended for lawyers, patent attorneys appearing before the UPC, judges, future litigators and students.
More information can be found below and here on the EPO website.
“Litigation Matters 2023
Find out more about the practical aspects of implementing the Unitary Patent (UP) package and learn how the Unified Patent Court (UPC) operates.
“The inaugural Litigation Matters conference will be devoted to practical aspects of implementing the Unitary Patent (UP) package and will be held over two consecutive mornings. The first will be devoted to initial experiences of implementing the UP and the second to how the Unified Patent Court (UPC) operates.
“The following topics will be dealt with:
– The Unitary Patent – its economic impact and first impressions after five months of operations
– Filing strategies for UP
– EPO opposition/appeal vs UPC revocation actions
– Double protection between national patent and UP/non-opted-out EP
– A strategic perspective on UP
– Provisional measures: a view from different countries
– Cooperation between TQJs and LQJs – first experiences of the UPC and preliminary measures