News – Patent litigation in Europe – lecture series
Coming February, the first lecture in an advanced lecture series organised by the EPO in cooperation with EPLAW will be held. The first lecture is entitled “inventive step at the UPC”
This advanced lecture series is dedicated to examining current topics in patent litigation in Europe, including the launch of the UPC and the emergence of new European patent jurisprudence. The series feeds the content of and leads up to the annual Litigation Matters conference to be held at the end of the year. Participants can attend each session separately or the entire series.
This first lecture is held by Dr. Christian Köster and will be followed by a Q&A session. Christian will tackle the problem with the problem: at the UPC inventiveness is judged using seemingly different approaches. The approach(es) followed in the first 18 months of the court will be discussed and compared with the EPO’s practise and recent national case law. The core hypothesis is that the UPC has a holistic view on inventive step.
Date: 21 February 2025, 13h30 – 14h30
Click here to find out more and register.