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EU – Conference European Patent: A Variable Geometry Right? Limitations and Amendments of claims during litigation

06 Jun 2014

Milan, Aula Magna of the Court of Milan, June 27 and 28, 2014 (in Italian and in English with simultaneous interpreting) Attendance is free.

In particular, laws and procedures of five countries (DE, FR, IT, NL, UK) will be compared. The solutions at the EPO (Art. 105a and 123 EPC) will also be considered.

Topics and speakers include:

Limitations and amendments in the national systems, chaired by Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob

The English experience
Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob, Former Lord Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales; Penny Gilbert, Lawyer, London

The German experience
Klaus Bacher, Richter am Bundesgerichtshof Karlsruhe; Thornsten Bausch, Lawyer, München

The French experience
Marie-Christine Courboulay, Vice-Présidente à la 3ème Chambre du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris; Darius Szleper, Avocat à la Cour de Paris

The Dutch experience
Jan Brinkhof, Professor and former Presiding Judge of the IP Chamber of the Court of Appeal The Hague; John Allen, Lawyer, Amsterdam

Read the entire programme (in English or Italian) here. Participants may register here.

In preparation of the conference, the law firm Franzosi Dal Negro Setti is collecting information on this topic from various countries. They would be grateful if people would fill out the questionnaire. The material resulting will be distributed at the Conference. The questionnaire may be found here.