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UPC – Updates on the case load of the Court are now available

01 Oct 2024

Total: 503 cases since the start on 1 June 2023

Language of proceedings (CFI only – all proceeding types)
English 53 %
German 42 %
French 2 %
Italian 2 %
Dutch 1 %

192 infringement actions:

70 Munich
42 Düsseldorf
25 Mannheim
14 Hamburg
11 Paris
10 The Hague
7 Milan
6 Nordic Baltic
2 Brussels
Helsinki, Copenhagen, Vienna and Paris central division have received 1 infringement action each

212 counterclaims for revocation have been filed, with 204 counterclaims coming from 103 individual infringement actions.

49 applications for provisional measures, preserving evidence and orders for inspection

45 stand-alone revocation actions have been filed

37 Paris CD
5 Munich CD
3 Milan CD

Court of Appeal
14 appeals under RoP220.1 (litera a or b)
28 appeals under RoP220.1 litera c
54 appeals under RoP220.2

The Court of Appeal has also received 10 requests for discretionary review, 9 applications for suspensive effect and 24 applications for an order for expedition of an appeal.

One application for rehearing under RoP245 has also been filed.

The entire overview can be read here.