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UPC – Creation of a section of the central division of the Court of First Instance in Milan

29 Jun 2023

Communication on the 7th UPC Administrative Committee meeting on 26 June 2023

“Contracting Member States of the Unified Patent Court have met in a meeting of the Administrative Committee on 26 June. The meeting was held in video-conference format.

“Contracting Member States of the Unified Patent Court have met in a meeting of the Administrative Committee on 26 June. The meeting was held in video-conference format.

“Based on article 87(2) of the Unified Patent Court Agreement the Committee took a decision to amend the Agreement with a view to bringing it in line with European Union law. As a consequence a section of the central division of the Court of First Instance will be created in Milan. The decision can be found here.

“The Presidium of the Court informed Member States and observers on the first weeks of the Court’s existence. So far the Court has 23 cases, consisting of 6 protective measures (more specifically, 4 applications for provisional measures; 2 applications to preserve evidence), 3 Revocation actions and 14 Infringement actions. The Court also received 236 protective letters. It should be noted that due to the dynamic character of the Court’s caseload figures are likely to be rapidly outdated.

“Member States were also informed about a proposal for providing legal aid, to be decided upon in the near future.

“The Court’s Registrar informed Member States and observers on the functioning of the Case Management System (CMS). The UPC’s IT department is working hard to maintaining the CMS’s robustness while gradually implementing improvements to the system for the benefit of both internal and external users.”

The entire communication can be read here.