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UPC – CCBE comments on the draft Code of Conduct for the UPC

09 May 2016

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) responds to the proposal for a Code of Conduct for the UPC

The letter states:

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) represents the bars and law societies of 32 member countries and 13 further associate and observer countries, and through them more than 1 million European lawyers. As such CCBE represents all the lawyers who will have rights to act as representatives pursuant to Article 48(1) of the UPC agreement.

No Involvement of CCBE in the drafting of the code.
We note that the proposal for a Code of Conduct for the UPC – Second Draft, of which CCBE was only made aware of on 15 April 2016, refers to the Code of Conduct developed by CCBE. I should make clear that, although those at EPLAW who worked on the draft may have seen the CCBE Code, CCBE has not, either through its Patents Working-Group or its Deontology Committee, had the opportunity to consider the draft Code.

Read the entire letter here.