On 8 & 9 February 2018 the Unitary Patent Package Kick Off Conference will take place in The Hague, The Netherlands
Euroforum currently is organizing the UPP Kick Off Conference where you will hear (cited from the blurb):
- The views from the most important appointed judges of the UPC and the Court of Justice.
- A report on the selection of judges and their training program, proposed selection of panels for local and regional divisions from Kevin Mooney
- The latest news of Alexander Ramsey on the organization of the UPC including operation of the registries, locations, upcoming ratifications.
- From Margot Fröhlinger the report on delay of grant before the EPO; result of national prior rights for the validity of the unitary patent and
- How the United Kingdom will be part of the UPC system.
AIPPI members recieve an early bird discount of EUR 100 for one day and EUR 200 for 2 days by using this link.