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IT – Astrazeneca v. Teva / Fulvestrant

30 Jun 2021

Astrazeneca vs. Teva, Court of Milan, 24 December 2020, docket number 8782/2020

The last available decision on Fulvestrant in Italy was handed down by the Court of Milan on 24 December 2020, which held invalid/ineffective three patents of AstraZeneca. With a detailed and extensive reasoning, the Court declared EP’573 invalid for lack of inventive step, EP’138 invalid both for lack of inventive step and for lack of support, and IT’490 ineffective as it merely claimed part of the invention the subject matter of EP’ 138.

The entire summary can be read here.
The judgment (in Italian) can be read here.

Headnote and summary: Luca Giove and Giorgia Zecchin, GR Legal