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25 Sep 2020

Patent Holder v. Soluciones Bioregenerativas, S.L, Commercial Court No. 4 of Barcelona, Spain, 9 September 2019, Case number 128/2018

In a decision dated 9 September 2019, the Commercial Court No. 4 of Barcelona made an interesting analysis in a case of contributory patent infringement, providing useful insights into the assessment of the various elements specific of this kind of infringement envisaged in Art. 60 of the Spanish Patents Act.

The holder of patent ES 2 306 655, the Spanish validation of European patent EP 1 066 838 (EP 838), filed an action against the company Soluciones Bioregenerativas, S.L. (hereinafter “SB”) alleging contributory infringement by the defendant of the first claim of the aforementioned patent.

The entire summary can be read here.
The judgment (in Spanish) can be read here.

Judgment and summary provided by: Luis Fernández-Novoa, HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER