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ES – Megaplast v. Ecoventi / Barcelona Court of Appeals

14 Dec 2018

Megaplast v. Ecoventi / Barcelona Court of Appeals, 14 May 2018, Docket No. 322/2018

In a decision rendered on 14 May 2018, the Barcelona Court of Appeals upheld a judgment dated 22 September 2016 by Barcelona Commercial Court No. 1, according to which ECOVENTI SISTEMAS S.L. (hereinafter, ECOVENTI) was held responsible for the infringement of MEGAPLAST, S.A.’s (hereinafter, MEGAPLAST) patent EP 1989044, entitled “Packaging film”. Relying on a decision by the EPO Board of Appeals issued after the first instance decision, the Court of Appeals dismissed ECOVENTI’s arguments concerning the invalidity of the patent and declared the infringement of MEGAPLAST’s patent by ECOVENTI’s products.

The full summary can be read here.
The decision (in Spanish) can be read here.

Summary: Luis Fernández-Novoa, HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER