H.Lundbeck A/S, Lundbeck España, S.A. & Almirall, S.A. v. Synthon Hispania, S.L., Cantabria Pharma, S.L., Mylan Pharmaceuticals, S.L. et al., Court of Appeals (15th Section) of Barcelona, Spain, 22 October 2014, Docket No. 371/2013
TRIPS Agreement and patentability of pharmaceuticals in Spain: another turn of the screw.
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In a Decision rendered on 22 October 2014, the Court of Appeals of Barcelona confirmed the earlier Decision of Commercial Court no. 4 dismissing Lundbeck’s and Almirall’s (former’s licensee) actions for patent infringement against a large number of generics companies marketing in Spain Escitalopram generic drugs.
Read the entire summary here.
Read the decision (in Spanish) here.